คำว่า ' below ' ( ADV )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า อยู่ตอนใต้

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[prep.] Under, or lower in place; beneath not so high; as, below the moon; below the knee.
[prep.] Inferior to in rank, excellence, dignity, value, amount, price, etc.; lower in quality.
[prep.] Unworthy of; unbefitting; beneath.
[adv.] In a lower place, with respect to any object; in a lower room; beneath.
[adv.] On the earth, as opposed to the heavens.
[adv.] In hell, or the regions of the dead.
[adv.] In court or tribunal of inferior jurisdiction; as, at the trial below.
[adv.] In some part or page following.



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