คำว่า ' win ' ( VT )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า ชนะ
คำศัพท์อื่นๆที่มีความหมายเหมือนกัน : ชนะเลิศ, มีชัย

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[a.] To gain by superiority in competition or contest; to obtain by victory over competitors or rivals; as, to win the prize in a gate; to win money; to win a battle, or to win a country.
[a.] To allure to kindness; to bring to compliance; to gain or obtain, as by solicitation or courtship.
[a.] To gain over to one's side or party; to obtain the favor, friendship, or support of; to render friendly or approving; as, to win an enemy; to win a jury.
[a.] To come to by toil or effort; to reach; to overtake.
[a.] To extract, as ore or coal.
[v. i.] To gain the victory; to be successful; to triumph; to prevail.



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