คำว่า ' tongue ' ( N )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า การพูด (คำทางการ)

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[n.] an organ situated in the floor of the mouth of most vertebrates and connected with the hyoid arch.
[n.] The power of articulate utterance; speech.
[n.] Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
[n.] Honorable discourse; eulogy.
[n.] A language; the whole sum of words used by a particular nation; as, the English tongue.
[n.] Speech; words or declarations only; -- opposed to thoughts or actions.
[n.] A people having a distinct language.
[n.] The lingual ribbon, or odontophore, of a mollusk.
[n.] The proboscis of a moth or a butterfly.
[n.] The lingua of an insect.
[n.] Any small sole.
[n.] That which is considered as resembing an animal's tongue, in position or form.
[n.] A projection, or slender appendage or fixture; as, the tongue of a buckle, or of a balance.
[n.] A projection on the side, as of a board, which fits into a groove.
[n.] A point, or long, narrow strip of land, projecting from the mainland into a sea or a lake.
[n.] The pole of a vehicle; especially, the pole of an ox cart, to the end of which the oxen are yoked.
[n.] The clapper of a bell.
[n.] A short piece of rope spliced into the upper part of standing backstays, etc.; also. the upper main piece of a mast composed of several pieces.
[n.] Same as Reed, n., 5.
[v. t.] To speak; to utter.
[v. t.] To chide; to scold.
[v. t.] To modulate or modify with the tongue, as notes, in playing the flute and some other wind instruments.
[v. t.] To join means of a tongue and grove; as, to tongue boards together.
[v. i.] To talk; to prate.
[v. i.] To use the tongue in forming the notes, as in playing the flute and some other wind instruments.



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