คำว่า ' buff1 ' ( VT )

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คำที่คล้ายกัน : shine

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[n.] A sort of leather, prepared from the skin of the buffalo, dressed with oil, like chamois; also, the skins of oxen, elks, and other animals, dressed in like manner.
[n.] The color of buff; a light yellow, shading toward pink, gray, or brown.
[n.] A military coat, made of buff leather.
[n.] The grayish viscid substance constituting the buffy coat. See Buffy coat, under Buffy, a.
[a.] A wheel covered with buff leather, and used in polishing cutlery, spoons, etc.
[a.] The bare skin; as, to strip to the buff.
[a.] Made of buff leather.
[a.] Of the color of buff.
[v. t.] To polish with a buff. See Buff, n., 5.
[v. t.] To strike.
[n.] A buffet; a blow; -- obsolete except in the phrase "Blindman's buff."
[a.] Firm; sturdy.



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