คำว่า ' runner ' ( SL )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า หลบฉากออกไป
คำที่คล้ายกัน : do a runner

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[n.] One who, or that which, runs; a racer.
[n.] A detective.
[n.] A messenger.
[n.] A smuggler.
[n.] One employed to solicit patronage, as for a steamboat, hotel, shop, etc.
[n.] A slender trailing branch which takes root at the joints or end and there forms new plants, as in the strawberry and the common cinquefoil.
[n.] The rotating stone of a set of millstones.
[n.] A rope rove through a block and used to increase the mechanical power of a tackle.
[n.] One of the pieces on which a sled or sleigh slides; also the part or blade of a skate which slides on the ice.
[n.] A horizontal channel in a mold, through which the metal flows to the cavity formed by the pattern; also, the waste metal left in such a channel.
[n.] A trough or channel for leading molten metal from a furnace to a ladle, mold, or pig bed.
[n.] The movable piece to which the ribs of an umbrella are attached.
[n.] A food fish (Elagatis pinnulatus) of Florida and the West Indies; -- called also skipjack, shoemaker, and yellowtail. The name alludes to its rapid successive leaps from the water.
[n.] Any cursorial bird.
[n.] A movable slab or rubber used in grinding or polishing a surface of stone.
[n.] A tool on which lenses are fastened in a group, for polishing or grinding.



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