คำว่า ' poach1 ' ( VI )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า ล่วงล้ำ
คำศัพท์อื่นๆที่มีความหมายเหมือนกัน : ิละเมิด

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[v. & n.] To cook, as eggs, by breaking them into boiling water; also, to cook with butter after breaking in a vessel.
[v. & n.] To rob of game; to pocket and convey away by stealth, as game; hence, to plunder.
[v. i.] To steal or pocket game, or to carry it away privately, as in a bag; to kill or destroy game contrary to law, especially by night; to hunt or fish unlawfully; as, to poach for rabbits or for salmon.
[v. t.] To stab; to pierce; to spear, \as fish.
[v. t.] To force, drive, or plunge into anything.
[v. t.] To make soft or muddy by trampling
[v. t.] To begin and not complete.
[v. i.] To become soft or muddy.



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