คำว่า ' mash ' ( N )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า มันบด (มักผสมกับเนยและนม)
คำที่คล้ายกัน : mix; brew; paste; emulsion; poultice

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[n.] A mesh.
[n.] A mass of mixed ingredients reduced to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure; a mass of anything in a soft pulpy state. Specifically (Brewing), ground or bruised malt, or meal of rye, wheat, corn, or other grain (or a mixture of malt and meal) steeped and stirred in hot water for making the wort.
[n.] A mixture of meal or bran and water fed to animals.
[n.] A mess; trouble.
[v. t.] To convert into a mash; to reduce to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure; to bruise; to crush; as, to mash apples in a mill, or potatoes with a pestle. Specifically (Brewing), to convert, as malt, or malt and meal, into the mash which makes wort.



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