คำว่า ' fit1 ' ( ADJ )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า ที่มีสุขภาพดี
คำศัพท์อื่นๆที่มีความหมายเหมือนกัน : แข็งแรง
คำที่คล้ายกัน : healthy; robust; well
คำตรงกันข้าม : weak; unfit

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[] imp. & p. p. of Fight.
[n.] In Old English, a song; a strain; a canto or portion of a ballad; a passus.
[superl.] Adapted to an end, object, or design; suitable by nature or by art; suited by character, qualitties, circumstances, education, etc.; qualified; competent; worthy.
[superl.] Prepared; ready.
[superl.] Conformed to a standart of duty, properiety, or taste; convenient; meet; becoming; proper.
[v. t.] To make fit or suitable; to adapt to the purpose intended; to qualify; to put into a condition of readiness or preparation.
[v. t.] To bring to a required form and size; to shape aright; to adapt to a model; to adjust; -- said especially of the work of a carpenter, machinist, tailor, etc.
[v. t.] To supply with something that is suitable or fit, or that is shaped and adjusted to the use required.
[v. t.] To be suitable to; to answer the requirements of; to be correctly shaped and adjusted to; as, if the coat fits you, put it on.
[v. i.] To be proper or becoming.
[v. i.] To be adjusted to a particular shape or size; to suit; to be adapted; as, his coat fits very well.
[n.] The quality of being fit; adjustment; adaptedness; as of dress to the person of the wearer.
[n.] The coincidence of parts that come in contact.
[n.] The part of an object upon which anything fits tightly.
[n.] A stroke or blow.
[n.] A sudden and violent attack of a disorder; a stroke of disease, as of epilepsy or apoplexy, which produces convulsions or unconsciousness; a convulsion; a paroxysm; hence, a period of exacerbation of a disease; in general, an attack of disease; as, a fit of sickness.
[n.] A mood of any kind which masters or possesses one for a time; a temporary, absorbing affection; a paroxysm; as, a fit melancholy, of passion, or of laughter.
[n.] A passing humor; a caprice; a sudden and unusual effort, activity, or motion, followed by relaxation or insction; an impulse and irregular action.
[n.] A darting point; a sudden emission.



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