คำว่า ' false ' ( ADJ )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า ซึ่งไม่ซื่อสัตย์
คำศัพท์อื่นๆที่มีความหมายเหมือนกัน : ไม่น่าไว้ใจ, ไม่จริงใจ, คบไม่ได้
คำที่คล้ายกัน : dishonest; disloyal
คำตรงกันข้าม : accurate; correct

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[superl.] Uttering falsehood; unveracious; given to deceit; dishnest; as, a false witness.
[superl.] Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.; untrue; treacherous; perfidious; as, a false friend, lover, or subject; false to promises.
[superl.] Not according with truth or reality; not true; fitted or likely to deceive or disappoint; as, a false statement.
[superl.] Not genuine or real; assumed or designed to deceive; counterfeit; hypocritical; as, false tears; false modesty; false colors; false jewelry.
[superl.] Not well founded; not firm or trustworthy; erroneous; as, a false claim; a false conclusion; a false construction in grammar.
[superl.] Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental.
[superl.] Not in tune.
[adv.] Not truly; not honestly; falsely.
[a.] To report falsely; to falsify.
[a.] To betray; to falsify.
[a.] To mislead by want of truth; to deceive.
[a.] To feign; to pretend to make.



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