คำว่า ' communion ' ( N )

มีความหมายในภาษาไทยว่า การมีส่วนร่วม
คำที่คล้ายกัน : sharing; participation

คำนิยามในภาษาอังกฤษ (definition) :
[n.] The act of sharing; community; participation.
[n.] Intercourse between two or more persons; esp., intimate association and intercourse implying sympathy and confidence; interchange of thoughts, purposes, etc.; agreement; fellowship; as, the communion of saints.
[n.] A body of Christians having one common faith and discipline; as, the Presbyterian communion.
[n.] The sacrament of the eucharist; the celebration of the Lord's supper; the act of partaking of the sacrament; as, to go to communion; to partake of the communion.



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